Golf is more than a simple relaxation tool. It’s a fantastic way to improve your health, encourage self-growth, and build long-lasting friendships with your fellow golfers.

If you’re interested in discovering the top reasons why everyone should play golf, whether it’s casually or competitively, keep on reading.

Form New Friendships

By heading to the course alone, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to meet new people and, potentially, form lifelong friendships.

Tell the employees at the clubhouse you’re willing to join another group. They can set you up with a team of strangers, or soon-to-be friends.

Chat with your fellow golf-lovers as you’re traversing the course, or give people swinging at the next hole over a shout-out.

If you hit it off with anyone, you can chat as you leave. Make plans to golf together in the future, or to meet up for dinner and a round of beer.

Get Some Fresh Air

Spending time under the sun means you’ll have to stock up on plenty of sunscreen, but you’ll also reap some of the benefits of being in the vast great outdoors.

Some improvements you might see include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Better sleep
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Decrease in depression symptoms
  • Improved ability to think creatively
  • Less anxiety

Golf, like any sport, makes for good exercise. It’s low impact, which means you’ll be able to stretch your limbs without breaking your back.

Most courses stretch upwards of four miles long. As you golf, you’ll get in a fair share of cardio, along with exercising your arms as you swing a club and your legs as you walk.

Challenge Yourself

Another top reason why everyone should play golf is to challenge themselves.

Instead of encouraging competition with other players, golf pushes you beat own previous records.

There’s plenty of ways to improve your golf game. Through hard work and dedication, you can refine your playing technique and your score, whether it’s on an individual hole or the entire round.

Make personal goals for yourself and keep practicing. Before long, you’ll start to see genuine, tangible results.

Build Character

Golf isn’t always relaxing. If you miss a putt, land in the sand trap, or can’t seem to land the current hole, you might get frustrated.

This is a great opportunity to take a long, deep breath and think introspectively.

Life doesn’t always go as planned. By learning new ways to cope with minor frustrations, you’ll gain a valuable skill that’s applicable in other real-life situations.

The next time your children are misbehaving, or you make a minor slip-up at work, you’ll be able to stay calm and levelheaded.